Encounter of GSB541

An encounter is a sighting of a single animal at a specific location and time. Learn more.


Location ID:

Water depth: 75.0 meters

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Identified as: GSB541

Matched by: Pattern match


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Next suggested new ID: 069

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Alternate ID:

 Occurrence ID: a3ad239c-f7a5-4895-80a9-6a9da87d3043

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Number: a56a6293-ac69-435f-8a98-fdfda3d928ab

Date created:2022-12-24T01:46:06.752
Date last edited:  2023-01-14

Workflow state: approved

Set Workflow State

Managing researcher: 

Annalin Gaus


Type Size Units
78.0 Estimated
78.0 Estimated

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Metal Tags

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Verbatim Event Date: None

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Taxonomy Stereolepis gigas 

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Status: alive

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Sex: unknown

Reset Sex

Noticeable scarring: 

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Behavior:  floating/hovering

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Group Role:  None

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Patterning code:  None

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Life stage:  adult

Reset life stage

Additional comments:
After being told by the local divers, who dive almost every day here that they haven't seen GSB for weeks and are gone for the winter, lucky us! It was more skittish than they normally are at this site when approached, it kind of took off toward shore but a couple of minutes later it returned to where we first saw it.
BTW - we also have incredible footage of a torpedo ray that was right next to the GSB. The torpedo ray even went into a "hypnotic" state when rubbed on its snout and flipped over on to its back for several minutes and at first we thought the GSB was going to eat it but then it left it alone.

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Spot Matching Algorithms (Modified Groth and I3S)

Extracted Spots

20 left-side spots added. 13 right-side spots added.

Pattern Matching Results

Groth: Left-side scan results
Groth: Right-side scan results
I3S: Left-side scan results
I3S: Right-side scan results

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Location ID:  
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