Encounter of GSB157

An encounter is a sighting of a single animal at a specific location and time. Learn more.


Location ID:

Water depth: 25.0 meters

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Identified as: GSB157

Matched by: Unmatched first encounter


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Alternate ID: GSB090713-03

 Occurrence ID: 20130907CatalinaIsland-TwinRocks

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Number: d1b04618-74ab-42f3-ac88-6a557606bf53

Date created:2018-08-09
Date last edited:  2018-08-24

Workflow state: approved

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Managing researcher: 

Francis Joyce

Affiliation: Benioff Ocean Initiative, UCSB

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Verbatim Event Date: None

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Taxonomy Stereolepis gigas 

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Status: alive

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Noticeable scarring:  None.

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Behavior:  See Additional Comments above.

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Group Role:  None

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Patterning code:  None

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Life stage:  adult

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Additional comments:
GSB090713-03 (this fish) and GSB090713-04 (to be uploaded next) were two 100 pound class GSB that took turns floating beneath one particular giant kelp plant, facing into a very mild current. None of the surrounding kelp plants that seemed similar were acceptable to them. One fish would hover beneath the kelp for a time before the second fish gently but firmly pushed it away and took the same position with head slightly angled down into the current in the shade of the kelp plant. I moved in, evicted one fish, and assumed the position beneath the kelp. Both fish attempted to displace me, with one fish coming in from the side and the other hovering just overhead with its pelvic fins brushing my hair. When I relinquished my position, the two fish resumed their alternating positions.

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Spot Matching Algorithms (Modified Groth and I3S)

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33 left-side spots added.

Pattern Matching Results

Groth: Left-side scan results
I3S: Left-side scan results

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